The Dum Dum Republic is an eco-friendly way of life, it means to respect and protect the environment, it is freedom, it is the smell of the sea in the morning, people hugging in the sunset; it is just a simple way of living in happiness.
The Dum Dum Republic is a little Woodstock on the sea, between the pine grove of Paestum and the Cilentan sky.
Here you will find all the info on upcoming concerts and events that have made sing, dance and dance and entertain thousands of people from 2013 to date.
Filionda di Biancaluna Bifulco
Via Laura Mare - Capaccio Paestum (SA)
Tel: 0828851895 / Cel: 3911003962
P.IVA: 05038210653
Website and Graphics powered by
Graphics by PressAction Studio
Videomaking Pierpaolo Perna
Photo by Giovanna Landi
Filionda di Biancaluna Bifulco
Via Laura Mare - Capaccio Paestum (SA)
Tel: 0828851895 / Cel: 3667289858
P.IVA: 05038210653
Website and Graphics powered by
Graphics by Luca Molinaro
Videomaking Pierpaolo Perna
Photo by Giovanna Landi